Installation Procedure of Web-RTIS Services
(Control Centre Mode, Console Mode, Messaging Mode)
The dynamic real-time traffic & transport Info Systems
1. Use the MS Window IE to go to the website of
    Select the one of the 3 WebRTIS services modes in the Corporate User column.                   Enter the (Username, Password)
2. The installation of the Java Runtime Environment version 1.4.2 can be automatically or manually-clicked executed.
   Click Open and select I agree the agreement as well as next to install the Java Runtime and Java Web Start Library.
3. Click Next and Finish to complete the Java Runtime and Java Web Start Installation.
4. The above steps 1 - 3 would have been completed the Java library for the 1st time user.
   Then re-login the Web-RTIS systems as before.
   Click Start to allow the execution of the Web-RTIS systems.
5. Click Yes to have a short-cut icon in the desktop screen.
6. Enter the (Username, password) and click agree to login the Web-RTIS systems.
7. Then the system will run and operate and receive real traffic data from website.
   (If your system has a Firewall / Proxy installed, you may have to allow this program to accept live traffic/transport data via Internet, as the system will prompt you as it runs/goes.)

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