dynamic route guidance system, real time traffic information system, real time traffic speed detection and management system, real time traffic incident detection management system, real time traffic incident detection management system, automatic vehicle locationing system (AVLS), personal location tracking system, GPS vehicle tracking system, GPS vehicle tracking system, real time GPS vehicle navigation system, Intelligent transport/transportation service / system (ITS), Just-In-Time Logistics Fleet Management, Just In Time Logistics Fleet Management
Tracking & Traffic (Web RTIS - Java) Services
Tracking Services
Asset, vessel, vehicle GPS tracking & fleet management system and services (RTVC)
For vehicle equipped with AVLS (GPS + wireless link) mobile unit, the vehicle control centre (RTVC) equipped with GIS and digital map, will able to monitor, control and manage the status and position of the moving vehicle via Internet, wired line or wireless line. Remote monitoring and control & Just-In-Time (JIT) logistics fleet management can be realized.
Personal Tracking Services (PLS)
For personal or asset or pet equipped with personal tracker unit by mobile phone, the control centre (RTVC) equipped with GIS and digital map, will able to monitor, control and manage the status and position of the person via Internet, wired line or wireless line. Remote monitoring and tracking of assets & person in need can be realized.

Traffic Services
Real Time Traffic Information and Data Centre Services (RTIS)
This is a provision of real time traffic service over the Internet or fixed line. Fixed point traffic speed detectors, flowing probing vehicle detectors, scheduled traffic incidents and temporary traffic arrangement, adhoc traffic accidents and incidents, safety cameras have been employed to retrieve the traffic in nearly real time. Therefore, the real time traffic control centre (RTIS) and console enable to display the traffic on the digital map including traffic queue and queue length, journey time from point A to point B based on real time traffic, safety cameras and traffic accidents. Collectively, this will enable dynamic route guidance system. Such that an optimum path is to provide to the drivers avoiding traffic jam and traffic incidents.

Traffic Info Services  (Dynamic Car Navigation System and Personal Traffic Information System) - iNavi and MyRoute
This is to provide the end-user services with real time traffic information system:
(a) iNavi: the dynamic car navigation system running on PDA phones.
(b) MyRoute: the personal traffic information services running on mobile phones and PDA phones.
The services are supported by the webpage herein also. For example, the users are allowed to configure their own personal routes on which their PDA will display the real time traffic including the journey time and traffic incidents.

The Celluware Research Laboratory Limited (including its servants, staffs and agents) makes no warranty, statement or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the information, contained herein, and in so far as permitted by law, shall not have any legal liability or responsibility (including liability for negligence) for any loss, damage, or injury (including death) which may result, whether directly or indirectly, from the supply or use of such information.

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